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  • Ergo Services Ltd, Dublin City Centre, Dublin
    Job Title: Enterprise Service Manager - Service Desk Team Lead - Dublin 2 Contract/ Permanent: - Permanent - Fully Onsite Location: Dublin 2 Overview: Ergo is the largest privately-owned IT services provider in Ireland, headquartered in Dublin, with offices in Cork and Limerick as well as the UK and US. You will be joining an innovative company made up of over five hundred enthusiastic professiona
  • Ergo Services Ltd, Dublin, Dublin
    Ergo are seeking an Endpoint Management Architect for a permanent role. In this exciting and challenging role you will join a high-performing team to carry out the implementation and support for enterprise customers. The successful candidate should have strong experience in both Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (formerly SCCM) and Intune. Ergo are an Azure Expert MSP and 5-time Microsoft C
  • Ergo Services Ltd, Dublin City Centre, Dublin
    Job Title: Senior Business Analyst - Dublin 1 Contract/ Permanent: 6 Months Contract - (Option to extend up to an additional 1.5 years) Location: Dublin 1 Overview: Ergo is the largest privately-owned IT services provider in Ireland, headquartered in Dublin, with offices in Cork and Limerick as well as the UK and US. You will be joining an innovative company made up of over five hundred enthusiast
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